About National Service Scheme:
The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It provides opportunity to the student youth of 11th & 12th Class of schools at +2 Board level and student youth of Technical Institution, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and University level of India to take part in various government led community service activities & programmes. The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service. NSS was launched in the Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth centenary year 1969, as a student youth service programmed. National Service Scheme(NSS) aims at arousing social consciousness of the youth an overall objective of “Personality Development of the Students through Community Service”.The B. Borooah College NSS Unit is one of the active Units working under Gauhati University NSS Cell. The present Volunteer strength of the unit is 127.
Name of the Programme Officer: Dr. Satyabrata Baruah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education
Objectives of National Service Scheme:
The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are:
• understand the community in which they work
• understand themselves in relation to their community
• identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
• develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
• utilise their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
• develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
• gain skills in mobilising community participation
• acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
• develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
• practise national integration and social harmony

Motto of National Service Scheme:
The Motto of NSS "Not Me But You", reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service. NSS helps the students development & appreciation to other person's point of view and also show consideration towards other living beings. The philosophy of the NSS is a good doctrine in this motto, which underlines on the belief that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of the society.

Activities undertaken in the year 2021-2022

Cheering Activity (22nd June 2021):
B. Borooah College NSS Volunteers cheering team India for Tokyo Olympics 2020 on 22nd of June 2021. All the NSS Volunteers have encouraged the participants of India by sharing their photos in different social media platform. Special wish and blessing was offered to Ms. Lovlina Borgohain representing form Assam in Tokyo Olympics 2020.

Observance of 72nd Van Mahotsav (1-7 July, 2021):
On the occasion of Van Mahotsav the NSS Volunteers have planted 100 saplings in their locality. As a part of 72nd Van Mahotsav a National webinar was organized by gauhati University NSS Cell in association with NSS Units of Kokrajhar District, Assam on 7th July 2021 on “Tree Plantation & Its Impact on Socio-Economic Development”. Along with 8 NSS Volunteers the Programme Officer of B. Borooah College Dr. Satyabrata Baruah have attended the webinar and interacted with the Resource person. In this webinar Mrs. Dimpi Bora, IFS, DFO, Guwahati Social Forestry Division& CEO, Assam Bamboo Mission, Govt of Assam was invited a resource person. Prof. Pratap Jyoti Handique, Vice Chancellor of Gauhati University was the Chief Guest and Sri. Dipak Kumar, Regional Director, NSS, NER, Guwahati was the Guest of Honour.
Observance of 7th International day of Yoga (21st June 2021):
B. Borooah College celebrates International day of Yoga through a virtual workshop on 21st of June 2021. In the workshop Minati Barman, Anita Dey and Rashmi Mallik from Vivekananda Kendra, Guwahati have invited as Resource Person. Special talk was delivered by Rashmi Mallik on “Each Soul is Potentially Devine” on this occasion. Along with the popular talk yoga practice was also conducted in the virtual platform. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Satyendra Nath Barman, Principal of the college and Coordinated and Moderated by Dr. Sucharita Dey & Dr. Satyabrata Baruah respectively.

Tree Plantation Drive (5th June 2021):
On the occasion of World Environment Day a massive tree plantation drive was initiated by B. Borooah College NSS Unit on 5th of June 2021. All the NSS Volunteers have plated sapling at their own house or nearby area due to Covid 19 lockdown situation.

Organised a webinar on Ills to Tobacco (31st May 2021):
An online webinar on Anti-Tobacco Day was organised on May 31st by the B. Borooah College NSS Unit in association with Gauhati University NSS Cell. The webinar was inaugurated by Dr. Satyendra Nath Barman, Principal, B. Borooah College with his humble and inspiring speech for the NSS volunteers. Resource Persons namely Dipankar Khataniar, Senior Counsellor, Revival Wellness Society (Rehabilitation Unit) Assam and Dr. Ranjan Kumar Kakati, Director, Student's Welfare Gauhati University & Co-ordinator NSS Cell, Gauhati University spoke about various aspects of a tobacco-ridden society as well as focused upon the attributes that will create alertness among the general masses and motivate the volunteers to create awareness themselves in the society as a whole. At last an open discussion session was initiated by co-ordinator Dr. Satyabrata Baruah, NSS Programme Officer, B. Borooah College with many volunteers putting up their queries in front of the resource persons. Almost 100 NSS volunteers and Programme Officers from colleges under Gauhati University attended this webinar.

Food Items Donation (31st May 2021):
On 31st of May 2021 NS Volunteer of B. Borooah College Ms. Spaini Barman donated basic food items to 50 families of Chowk Bazar, Tezpur. Due to massive fire outrage took place in Chowk Bazar hundreds of families were lost their shops and in the state of financial crisis. As a NSS Volunteer she took initiative with the help of some local youth and distributed essential food items by maintaining all the covid protocols.

NSS Volunteers are geared up to fight against COVID19 (30th May 2021):
An innovative and unique initiative to building capacity and engaging NSS volunteers on Covid 19 response program in Assam was successfully launched on 30th May 2021, organised by LEHS|WISH in collaboration with National Health Mission (NHM) Assam, Directorate of Health Services (Family Welfare) Government of Assam, Gauhati University NSS Cell & Ramaiah University. The objective of this initiative was to build capacity of NSS Volunteers on varied facet of COVID 19 prevention and management and to facilitate initiation of a community-based participatory health and wellness action plan in Assam. Through the intervention, it is intended to enhance community engagement in sustainable health & wellness programs and reinforce access to quality health care services, thereby contributing to the COVID care management and response. With the role of community volunteers being central to community mobilisation, it is necessary to build the capacity of youth volunteers and front-line workers to engage them in a greater and more meaningful manner at every point in the care cascade. Specific modules and innovative course for COVID 19 response and management by community volunteers has been developed by Ramaiah International Centre for Public Health Innovations in collaboration with LEHS|WISH for capacity building of NSS volunteers, which will empower them to render better services to the needy community. Systematic and structured engagement of the trained NSS volunteers will strengthen Assam’s response to COVID 19. This programme also aims to strengthen the grassroots response to COVID 19. Through this initiative around 400 National Scheme Service (NSS) volunteers from various Colleges of Gauhati University. In this programme Dr. Satyabrata Baruah, Programme Officer of B. Borooah College cum District Nodal Officer, Kamrup (M) District was taken keen initiative and 40NSS Volunteers of the College were engaged actively.

One Day Online Workshop held on Guidance for psychological counseling and Covid helpers skills (24th May 2021):
An online workshop on Guidance for Psychological Counseling and Covid Helpers Skills was held on 24th of May 2021 by the NSS Kamrup Metropolitan District in association with Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), an organization run under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt of India. The workshop focused on providing support for the Covid-19 affected people in Kamrup Metropolitan District. Resource Person Dr. Savita Mishra from MGNCRE, talked about the various aspects of the pandemic and also addressed upon the ways through which the NSS volunteers could help people in need at the right time. In the workshop NSS District Nodal Officer Dr. Satyabrata Baruah emphasized the role of NSS Volunteers in the current pandemic and also highlighted how NSS Volunteers have been actively working at Covid Vaccination process at different centres under Kamrup Metropolitan District. Meanwhile 60 NSS Volunteers have been working in Covid Vaccination process in different centers of Guwahati- Airport Residential Colony, Airport Community Hall, Gauhati Press Club, Khanapara State Dispensary, Bathaguli UPHC under the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Assam since 5th of May.

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